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We know how nice it is to choose gifts and give them to loved ones. We give for a variety of reasons: out of love, respect, or gratitude. Moreover, we give because we know how much joy a pleasant surprise can bring to the souls of our loved ones. Although some would argue that this is a relatively recent tradition, there is plenty of historical evidence that giving gifts to loved ones has been accepted since ancient times. 
Another example of gifts can be found in the Bible. For example, from the journey of the three wise men we can learn about the habit of giving gifts at Christmas. They intended to give precious and important gifts to the baby Jesus. These gifts symbolized the good thoughts and desires of the three wise men for a beautiful life for the child. 
The most popular engagement gifts in ancient Egypt were shiny or metallic jewelry. It could be said that this is where lovers developed the habit of giving sentimental and valuable gifts for the holidays. 
Over time, this habit underwent some changes and was transformed into the celebration of Christmas. This tradition differs from country to country, depending on the adaptation the holiday went through. For example, a custom dating back to the Victorian era shows us that these gifts were an important element of the Christmas season. The principle was simple, that is, there was no place near Christmas for these expensive gifts. Gifts were hidden all over the house, and family members had to go on a gift hunt. Over time, this tradition was replaced by the giving of gifts in socks. 
Today, gifts are becoming more and more extravagant. A personalized bottle of wine, expensive jewelry or handmade sweets are all on the shopping list. The tradition of giving gifts persists and brings joy to all souls each year. It's a moment when warmth comes from within and from the pleasure of making someone who is close to us happy.


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